Seeking justice and liberation for all people in the Mountain State.

Solidarity. Justice. Liberation.
Solidarity. Justice. Liberation.
Solidarity. Justice. Liberation.
Solidarity. Justice. Liberation.
Solidarity. Justice. Liberation.
Solidarity. Justice. Liberation.
When you hear the word “faith” in public discourse, what do you think of?
Yeah, we're not that.
The West Virginia Faith Collective is a partnership of faith-based organizations who are pursuing social justice through community organizing and advocacy. Our partners reflect the wide variety of faith traditions which find a home in our state.
“True power lies not in the halls of the Capitol but in the hollers and hills.”
We are addressing the problem of isolation.
Justice-seeking people in our state are plentiful, but we are separated. Our unique geography, our state’s current political demographics, and the prevailing theology in our communities makes it hard to find others who share our convictions.
We are connecting people who feel alone.
We are addressing the problem of silence.
Liberation-oriented people of faith have ceded our airtime in the public square to louder voices that weaponize religion to restrict people’s rights. This voluntary vow of silence is unholy.
We are reclaiming our voices.
“Silence is the welcome mat for hate.”
–Ann Van Dyke
“And when we speak we are afraid our words will not be heard nor welcomed, but when we are silent we are still afraid. So it is better to speak.” –Audre Lorde
“The people who are the closest to the problem have the keenest view of the solution.”
We are addressing the problems of inequity, injustice, and inhumanity.
We believe that power is found in our relationships with our neighbors, and that the least heard people have the most important things to say. We seek to disrupt oppressive systems, but mostly we focus on developing solutions to meet the needs of directly impacted people.
We are building alternate systems of care.
The Faith Collective is composed of
Justice & Jubilee
A state-wide, progressive Christian social justice movement rooted in solidarity with people who have been historically marginalized by the State and the Church

From Below
Aims to empower local coalfield residents while also educating and activating people not native to the coalfields.

An interfaith network of clergy in West Virginia who advocate for justice in our local communities and at the state level.

Are you
Wanting to be more involved in advocacy and activism?
Wanting to speak more boldly?
Committed to your faith?
Deconstructing your faith?
Wishing people of faith would do the right thing?
You are not alone.
We know there are lots of friends yet to be made in our state. If you are someone you know is looking for connection, resources, or support, we’d love to get to know you!